Koozakar Proceedings

Journal Indexing and Metrics

  1. Editorial Board and Review Process:
    • This journal relies on experts across different fields of knowledge from institutions where contributions are submitted. We also leverage our network of international scientific reviewers through Koozakar’s Journal Program. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures the quality, validity, and originality of all submissions.
  2. Publication Frequency and Access:
    • The journal is published quarterly (4 issues per year) and is accessible both in print and online formats.
    • Open access model allows for widespread dissemination and accessibility of the research to a global audience.
  3. Author Guidelines and Ethical Standards:
    • The journal adheres to strict author guidelines and ethical standards to maintain the integrity and quality of the published work.
    • Authors are required to follow ethical practices and guidelines for data sharing, authorship, and conflicts of interest.
  4. Global Reach and Collaboration: The journal strongly encourages collaboration with researchers, institutions, and organizations globally to promote interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange in the fields of integrative medicine, biotechnology, engineering fields, environmental science, and sustainability to advancements in technology management, information systems, entrepreneurship, and beyond

One of Koozakar's goals is to be an exemplary role model in the publishing space, bringing quality products to professionals and institutions throughout the world.